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Diabetes symptoms: When diabetes symptoms are a concern Diabetes symptoms are often subtle. By Mayo Clinic Staff. Thank you for Subscribing Our Housecall e-newsletter will keep you up-to-date on the latest health information. Please try again.
Something went wrong on our side, please try again. Show references Diabetes overview. Accessed April 22, Diabetes symptoms. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Diabetes Care. Diabetes mellitus DM. Merck Manual Professional Version.
Stern SC, et al. New York, N. Accessed April 29, Papadakis MA, et al. Diabetes mellitus and hypoglycemia. Accessed April 23, Jameson JL, et al. Diabetes mellitus: Diagnosis, classification, and pathophysiology. In: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. Eye complications. American Diabetes Association. Preventing diabetes problems.
Complications of diabetes mellitus. See also Medication-free hypertension control A1C test After a flood, are food and medicines safe to use? Air pollution and exercise Alcohol: Does it affect blood pressure? Artificial sweeteners: Any effect on blood sugar? Bariatric surgery Beta blockers Beta blockers: Do they cause weight gain? Your heart usually beats between 60 and times per minute. However, that can increase to 70 to beats per minutes after smoking weed. If you're dealing with established cardiovascular issues, however, you should take this side effect more seriously.
Tishler says. This can lead to chest pain, shortness of breath, and in worst case, a heart attack. Erectile dysfunction may not directly affect you if you don't have a penis — and having a penis shouldn't keep you from safely and legally consuming cannabis if you want to — but you should know that it might be a possibility. Still, some of the existing studies on erectile dysfunction and marijuana use are contradictory and require further research. According to a study performed by Washington State University Psychologist Rebecca Craft and published in the journal, Drug and Alcohol Dependence , female rats are more likely to develop a tolerance to cannabis than males.
The female rats in Craft's study were also more sensitive to the painkilling qualities of cannabis than the males, and were the most sensitive around ovulation. That said, Dr. Tishler remains unconvinced by the available data on weed's painkilling effects for men vs. Even weed virgins have probably heard that getting stoned will make you super hungry, but what's weird about this side effect is why cannabis consumption sometimes makes us feel like single-handedly eating whole pizzas and mountains of mac and cheese.
In a study conducted by experts at Washington State University, it was found that dosing rats with cannabis stimulates a surge of ghrelin — a hormone the stomach releases when it's empty which tells the brain it's time to look for food. Additionally, as a study published in the journal Nature found, our cannabinoid receptors have a relationship with the pro-opiomelanocortin POMC neurons that live in the hypothalamus, and these neurons control appetite stimulation. So when people consume cannabis, those neurons are activated and it causes you to become hungry.
Tishler tells Bustle he doesn't think we have a good answer yet regarding exactly why the munchies happen post-dose. Laughing is not only super fun, it's literally good for you. And one of the most pleasurable and weird side effects of getting stoned is how much it might make you laugh — but Dr.
Tishler points out the side effect isn't necessarily universal. Why does weed make some people feel tingly? To find out, I picked the brain of Lewis Nelson, professor and chair of the department of emergency medicine and chief of the division of medical toxicology at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School. Mind-altering substances like cannabis, as their name suggests, alter how the brain works.
It stands to reason, then, that they also alter how the nerves work and how the brain perceives sensory information from the nerves, which some people might experience as strange sensory misperceptions — like tingles in the case of weed, or the sensation of bugs crawling beneath the skin in the case of cocaine and methamphetamines.
Another possible explanation for the weed tingles: anxiety and paranoia, which are associated with cannabis use in some people and can make them hyperventilate. The thing is, many people report that weed makes their arms, legs, and other body parts tingly, yet panic attacks typically produce this sensation in the fingers and toes, Nelson points out.