Relactation may be difficult and time consuming at times, but it IS possible. With the right support, information and dedication, relactation works for women every day and produces happy and valuable results. Confidence and self-belief will help you on your journey. We have combined expertise from professionals and real life experiences from mothers to create a bank of information.
For further resources, please visit our social media pages. Go To Shopping. What is relactation? Why do it? You might have stopped breastfeeding earlier than you wanted, or you may have changed your mind. You might have been separated from your baby or your baby might have been ill. You may have adopted a baby and want to re-start your milk supply in order to breastfeed them. What are the benefits?
How do you do it? If the baby will latch onto the breast: Try to put the baby to the breast as often as possible every hours at least. Is it pain free? If breastfeeding feels uncomfortable, do get support. Keep the baby on or close to your body as much as possible perhaps using a sling. You can bottle feed skin-to-skin and near the breast.
Ideally, at least eight times in 24 hours. If supplementation is necessary, pumping as well as breastfeeding can help to promote a higher volume of milk production.
Talk to a La Leche League leader, lactation consultant or other breastfeeding expert who can help you figure out and treat the cause of your low milk supply. But there are ways to successfully supplement and still keep breastfeeding. Try these approaches:. If you are supplementing with a bottle, give the bottle first and breastfeed second.
Put a bit less formula in the bottle than you expect the baby to take. Let him nurse as long as he wants. When you give a bottle to supplement breastfeeding, take your time. Hold the baby in a semi-upright position not lying on his back and keep the bottle horizontal so that he has to work to suck the milk out. If he pauses or stops sucking, you can take the nipple out of his mouth to give him a little rest.
If your baby gets fussy an hour or two after formula and nursing, offer the breast again. She might only nurse for a short time, but these brief but frequent feedings actually do a lot to encourage milk production and continued breastfeeding.
Read more: Waiting for your milk to come in 7 foods to increase breast milk production Breastfeeding problems solved. Breastfeeding 10 reasons for low milk supply when breastfeeding Lactation expert, Teresa Pitman, discusses the top 10 reasons for low milk production and offers tips to find a solution. Photo: iStockphoto. You can usually buy these at health food stores or herb shops and occasionally at some large supermarkets or pharmacies.
For more information see What is a galactagogue? Do I need one? There are also several prescription medications that increase milk supply. What is Normal?
As a physician, they are also better equipped to answer questions about medications and breastfeeding, contraceptive options for breastfeeding women and breast pain that may cause disruptions to sustained breastfeeding. Rather than focusing on the ounces you produce, focus on how your baby is progressing. Disclaimer: Some portions of this site may provide you with health-related information or information about Nourisher products based upon information that you provide.
The Content is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as a recommendation for a specific treatment plan or course of action. This site does not offer medical advice and nothing provided through this site, including any content, is intended to constitute professional advice for medical diagnosis or treatment.
You should not use this site or any Content to diagnose a health or fitness problem or disease. Use of this site or any Content does not replace medical consultations with a qualified health or medical professional to meet the health and medical needs of you or any other party. Do not disregard the medical advice of a physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of any information you obtain from the Site.
Close search. Worried About Milk Supply? Increasing Milk Production at Delivery Your body has been preparing for this day since the beginning of your pregnancy. Increasing Milk Production in the First Month The first several weeks are a crucial time to show your body how much milk to produce. Here are tips for maintaining a stable supply in the first month: Nurse as frequently as possible. Pediatricians recommend nursing every two hours until baby is back to birth-weight.
Once your child reaches this milestone, you should continue to nurse frequently without going more than four hours between feedings.
Feed your baby from both breasts at each session. Why is this important? Frequency is more important than duration when establishing your milk supply. The more stimulation each breast receives the more milk it will produce. Alternate which breast you feed from first. Try this tip for remembering where to start!