What do peppermint tablets do

Researchers found that there was a significant improvement by at least one severity level two hours after application. A recent study examined the effect of peppermint oil tablets on people with difficulty swallowing and non-cardiac chest pain.

Over half of the participants reported an improvement in their symptoms. Peppermint oil is often used in cosmetic products. A small study looked at the topical application of peppermint oil and the effect that it had on chronic itching. Researchers found that a one percent solution of peppermint oil led to improvements in how long itchiness lasted and the severity of the itch.

A second small study examined the effect of applying peppermint oil on the skin to reduce itching during pregnancy. Researchers found that applying a 0. Another study in mice compared peppermint oil to minoxidil Rogaine and control compounds. The researchers found that a three percent solution of peppermint oil led to growth of thick, long hair in mice after four weeks of treatment, similar to results obtained using minoxidil.

Peppermint oil also has mild antimicrobial properties. Various studies have been performed to determine its effectiveness against different types of bacteria and fungi. The results have been mixed. One study found that incubating peppermint oil with several strains of Staphylococcus aureus , some of which were antibiotic resistant, inhibited the production of an important bacterial toxin. This effect was dose-dependent, meaning that the effect increased with rising doses of peppermint oil.

While this result is promising, the antimicrobial activity of peppermint oil may depend on the species of bacteria. Another study found that peppermint oil showed no antimicrobial activity against a species of Streptococcus. A study from looked at the activity of several essential oils against different strains of Candida yeast.

While peppermint oil did have some antifungal activity, it had the lowest activity out of all the oils that were tested. Essential oils are not meant to be taken orally. Some possible side effects from taking peppermint extract orally include heartburn, nausea, and vomiting. Aromatherapy or topical use of diluted essential peppermint oil can have significant benefits with little risk.

But be aware that peppermint aromatherapy can be toxic to pets. Always consider children, pets, and pregnant women before using aromatherapy. If taken in very large doses, peppermint oil can be toxic. This helps to relieve the pain of stomach cramps and eases bloating and farting. The capsules have a coating that stops them dissolving when they pass through your stomach.

Once the capsule reaches your bowel, it gradually releases the medicine. Peppermint oil capsules will start to work within a few hours but it could take up to 1 to 2 weeks to take full effect. If your symptoms do not improve, or get worse at any time, speak to your doctor. If you buy peppermint oil from a pharmacy or shop, do not take it for longer than 2 weeks.

Speak to your doctor if you still have symptoms. If your doctor has prescribed peppermint oil, they may recommend that you take it for longer than 2 weeks. Follow the instructions from your doctor. Peppermint oil is not known to affect other medicines. Talk to your pharmacist or doctor if you are thinking of using more than 1 medicine for your symptoms. Some side effects of peppermint oil, such as heartburn may have a mild affect on your IBS, but only for a few days. Peppermint oil is not thought to affect any type of contraception, including the combined pill and emergency contraception.

Alcohol may make some side effects worse, such as dizziness. It's best to drink less alcohol while taking peppermint oil if it makes you feel dizzy, sleepy or confused. Some foods can cause irritable bowel syndrome IBS symptoms , such as stomach cramping and bloating. These foods vary from person to person. Peppermint oil is unlikely to affect your ability to drive or ride a bike. However, on rare occasions taking peppermint oil can cause dizziness for some people.

If you feel dizzy, wait for it to wear off before you drive a car, ride a bike or use tools or machinery. There are several things you can do to help ease painful stomach cramps and IBS, such as:. Visit diet, lifestyle and medicines information for IBS. Page last reviewed: 12 July Next review due: 12 July Peppermint oil - Brand names: Apercap, Colomint, Colpermin, Mintec On this page About peppermint oil Key facts Who can and cannot take peppermint oil How and when to take peppermint oil Side effects How to cope with side effects of peppermint oil Pregnancy and breastfeeding Cautions with other medicines Common questions about peppermint oil.

About peppermint oil Peppermint oil is a type of medicine called an antispasmodic. Help us improve our website Can you answer a quick question about your visit today? Three days is usually the magic number, but you can do more if you want the oil to be more concentrated. BSc Hons in Biomedical Science. Doaa was also a member of a product development team in a manufacturing company specialising in sun care and personal care products, researching and providing regulatory advice regarding international regulations.

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Learn all you need to know in this article… What is peppermint oil? Summary Peppermint oil is extracted from the leaves and flowers of the peppermint plant, which grows throughout Europe and North America.

What does peppermint oil do? What is peppermint oil good for? It can relieve itchy skin Due to its cooling sensation, peppermint oil can help provide relief to discomfort caused by itchy skin. Peppermint oil side effects Heartburn Skin irritation Allergic reaction 14 If you experience any of these side effects, stop taking peppermint oil and see your GP. Summary Peppermint oil is generally considered safe for adults to take, unless you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Drinking peppermint oil Peppermint oil is reportedly safe to take orally and using it in this way has been proven to be safe in many clinical trials.

Add it to herbal teas Brew a cup of your favourite herbal tea , allow the tea to brew for three to five minutes. Enjoy it on its own For hot drinks: Boil a cup of hot water and pour it into a mug. Shop Peppermint Tea. Peppermint oil capsules You can buy bottles of peppermint oil and you can buy peppermint tea.

Summary As well as inhaling and applying peppermint oil topically, you can drink it by adding it to herbal teas or hot or cold water.

Shop Peppermint Oil Supplements. How to make peppermint oil Quite like the idea of making your own peppermint oil? Pick or buy your peppermint leaves If you grow peppermint in your garden, pick off a good amount of leaves off the plant.

Wash and dry the leaves Throw the mint leaves into a strainer or colander and thoroughly rinse them with water. Prepare the mint leaves Use a spoon, knife or a pestle and mortar to crush up the leaves.

Make the oil Put a good amount of your dried peppermint leaves in your jar. Wait for it to develop Leave the mixture to sit for at least 24 hours. Strain your mixture Get your strainer or cheesecloth and strain out the mint leaves.

Repeat steps 1 to 4 Repeat the first set of steps to prepare more leaves to be added into the jar. Takeaway Peppermint oil is a highly distinctive oil with its own set of uses and widespread benefits. The advice in this article is for information only and should not replace medical care.

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