Peripheral arterial disease , or P. Fungus also plays a key role, as it thrives in the moist, dark interior of a shoe. Besides causing the toenail to thicken, a fungal infection may also cause the nail to yellow, become brittle, separate from the nail bed, and possibly emit a foul odor.
In this case, your podiatrist may recommend trimming and cleaning debridement the toenail, a prescription topical creme or prescription oral medicine. Patients with these conditions frequently have a loss of sensation in the toes, and run the risk of wounding the skin or cutting too deeply when trimming the nails. Besides debridement, there are few treatment options to alleviate the thickening of toenails due to the natural course of aging.
If however, your toenails are thickening due to one of the other causes mentioned above, your podiatrist will discuss a course of treatment with you. Reviews From Our Patients. Heel Pain In Children. Request Appointment. The condition causes the nails to yellow and become curved and thickened.
A person with yellow nail syndrome often experiences respiratory problems and swelling in the arms and legs due to a buildup of fluid around the lungs and in the limbs. Although doctors do not know the exact cause of yellow nail syndrome, some believe there is a strong genetic connection.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder that typically causes red, scaly patches on the skin. Psoriasis of the nails often accompanies the skin disorder, affecting both the fingernails and toenails. When psoriasis is the direct cause of thickened nails, a person is likely to develop ridges on the nails, and the nails may loosen and separate from the nail bed.
Paronychia is a skin condition that causes redness and swelling around the nail. Over time and multiple infections, both fingernails and toenails may become thick. A person may notice that layers of the nail start to peel off. People are more likely to develop paronychia from frequently sucking on their fingers, dishwashing, and trimming the nails or cuticles too much. Several occupations are also more of a risk for developing thick nail due to paronychia. These jobs include:.
Aging may cause the toenails, as well as the fingernails, to thicken. Often, as a person ages, the nails on their toes start to thicken. Though the condition is most common on the toenails, it is possible for the fingernails to thicken also. It is thought that the nails thicken as people get older because the body is not as able to renew itself as it was at a younger age. The thick nails and the ridges that form on the nail as a result of aging are not treatable. They can be buffed slightly, however, to smooth out their appearance.
Thick nails are not likely to cause further complications, although, if left untreated, they will continue to worsen, may cause pain, and may make wearing footwear uncomfortable. Complications from the pre-existing conditions that caused the thick nails are, however, likely to follow. For example, thick nails may be an additional complication acquired by a person who has underlying diabetes.
Since underlying conditions often cause thick nails, a person should consult a doctor if they notice their fingernails or toenails thickening or changing color. Someone with an underlying condition, such as diabetes or psoriasis, may well be treating it already. People who experience yellow, thickened nails without knowing a reason for them, should talk to their doctor to be sure that it is only a fungal infection and nothing more serious.
If their thick toenails are due to an underlying condition, the doctor may prescribe further therapies to help address the new symptom. For those with fungal infections, the doctor may need to swab under the nail or take a clipping to test for fungal growth.
It is important to diagnose a fungal infection early to curtail it quickly. When thick toenails are not caused by an infection or existing condition, buffing the surface of the nail will be enough to treat it. Otherwise, treatment will be based on targeting the cause.
In cases of psoriasis, the doctor will likely seek to treat the flare with additional medications for the resulting thickened nails. If so, this needs treatment to prevent it from getting worse. A brief biology lesson — the toenail is made up of three main areas: the nail bed or nail plate itself which is the part still attached to the skin; the edge of the nail that grows over the skin; the nail matrix which is where the nail actually grows from.
Nails are made from a protein called keratin. As the nail grows from the base of the nail, cells lay down keratin in layers which eventually harden forming the nail. The 10 most common foot problems we treat in our podiatry clinics.
Fungal infections such as tinea occur most commonly in the toenails. The fungus distorts the growth of the nail affecting the nailbed. The signs are yellow or splitting toenails which lead to thickening.
As the body ages, the growth of toenails slows down as cell renewal slows, and less keratin is produced. The toenails can become brittle, prone to splitting, may also thicken and become discoloured. Psoriasis is a condition of the skin forming red, scaly patches which can be itchy and uncomfortable. Psoriasis can also extend to the toenails, causing ridges and thickening of the nail. The nailbed may also lift as a result of psoriasis.