You can let them know weeks in advance that you plan to host a AMA along with your:. At this point you have figured out your timeline, built the description for your AMA bio, created a proof page or post, and checked in with the IAmA mods. Now begin to think about who else in the Reddit community might be interested in who you are or what you are answering.
For this, you definitely want to reach out to the mods of any subreddits you see fitting and ask if they would allow a crosspost the day of, and if so, if they would be interested in sticking the crosspost to the top of the page. The day you post your AMA and make it live, create a new submission in the appropriate subreddit you wish to crosspost. If you contacted the mods of this subreddit, you should send them a direct message as well letting them know you just crossposted and that your AMA is live.
It's no guarantee they will allow you to crosspost and sticky it, but it's worth asking! The more eyes on your post, the better. Going back to your initial planning and timeline, you should be sure to give yourself at least a week prior to hosting your AMA some time to perform outreach and let others know you will be answering any and all questions.
You may be surprised by the number of people in your network who actively use Reddit one in 11 people in the U. Some outreach opportunities include, but are not limited to:. Once your AMA is live, be sure to send everyone you initially reached out to your live AMA link so they can easily access it. There are plenty of AMAs that completely flopped, like the ones you can read in this Mashable list of pretty well known AMAs that gained attention for their failure.
This can easily be done in two ways: The best way to do this: Create a page on your website that shows your photo and has a one-sentence blurb saying you are X and will be hosting a Reddit AMA on X date. You can then include this link in your bio when you submit the AMA. If you have questions, reach out to the AMA moderators mods who are extremely helpful and responsive. Submit via email to the mods at mods iamaofficial. You can let them know weeks in advance that you plan to host a AMA along with your:.
At this point you have figured out your timeline, built the description for your AMA bio, created a proof page or post, and checked in with the IAmA mods. Now think about who else in the Reddit community might be interested in who you are or what you are discussing.
When you post your AMA, you may be able to cross-post it to other subreddits that target a similar audience. For this, reach out to the mods of relevant subreddits and ask whether they would allow a cross-post the day of your AMA and, if so, whether they would stick the cross-post to the top of the page. The day you post your AMA and make it live, create a new submission in the appropriate subreddit you wish to cross-post. If you contacted the mods of this subreddit, you should send them a direct message as well letting them know you just cross-posted and that your AMA is live.
The more eyes on your post, the better. Going back to your initial planning and timeline, afford yourself at least a week before hosting your AMA to perform outreach and let others know you will answer any and all questions. You might be surprised by the number of people in your network who actively use Reddit one in 11 people in the U. Look at activity times and figure out the best time to launch. You will generally find that the best time is 9 am Eastern time. Ask the mods to sticky a post to the top of the sub announcing the AMA, time and day, about a week before the event is scheduled.
The big benefit here is that questions will come in early and you can start formulating your answers and getting early signs of how popular it will be. You want someone effective at communicating and someone who brings something to the table.
And you need someone who understands Reddit. You might want the AMA to be a team effort where someone is there to balance you -- a good personality person or someone that is familiar with the community. This can be done by posting a photo to a photo hosting site imgur.
The pic should be of you holding a sign along the lines of "Hey there, Reddit". You include a link to that photo within the AMA post. Not to be overlooked in your AMA strategy is how you will evaluate its value in the final analysis.
From topic planning to community selection, have in mind what you plan to measure and what warrants success. With Reddit's 4 billion monthly page views, there are more than a few eyeballs drifting your way during an AMA. One of the top AMAs of all-time was hosted by a member of a year-old family-owned beef jerky company that offered redditors a discount price on jerky. Want to see how that worked out? Do you have an image problem or flagging brand strength?
Your AMA can give you a stage for publicizing company accomplishments, charity work or other good news.
Be prepared for the Reddit community to take the conversation in unexpected directions. How you answer can set the stage for how people feel about you in the end. Have a new product or feature? Whether you are in beta testing or it is new, and you are looking for some early feedback, an AMA will get you in front of an honest and willing crowd. With comments flying around in an hour, there was, no doubt, lots of ideas to take back to the team. Get your new product in front of the first adopter crowd, or even drum up business for a long-standing brand with a fresh new take.
One of most famous AMAs of all-time was hosted by a vacuum-cleaner repairman. His referrals crashed the websites of the vacuum brands he recommended. It helped relieve a bad taste in the mouths of put-off potential customers. It is no small thing either that more interactions and engagement are precursors to more conversions.
Announce your news to redditors first. All your usual news outlets will cover it, and you could get the extra coverage from the Reddit community. Now you have got a massive amplification effect, and your AMA becomes newsworthy itself.
Finally, here are some dos and don'ts to help you navigate an AMA and keep the crowd on your side. Don't respond to people with stupid replies like curt "yes" or "no" answers.