Each of these has their own subdivisions that either specializes in various economic atmospheres or upholds certain democratic concepts so as to ensure utmost respect for human rights. Formally composed with its current name last November 1, , the European Union unifies the 27 states that comprise the continent.
This entity has created a set of rules and regulations that must be followed by all members. Most of these rules pertain to economic policies and political standards. To more effectively implement its policies, the EU has been further subdivided into several branches that are classified as either government-controlled or independent.
Altogether, the EU boasts a total population of about million people and is still growing. Within the member states, certain beneficial laws are being upheld like the omission of the need for passports and also the free movement of goods and services across fellow EU states.
Established in the year , the Council of Europe is a different organization composed of 47 European member states. This entity has a more specific role for the observance of human rights and democracy. As such, the CoE stresses the importance of increasing awareness on human rights to its million individual citizens.
The only countries not included in this council are: Vatican, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Transnistria, and Kosovo. The last two states have limited recognition. The drafters of the ECHR aimed to set a human rights agenda which would avoid any repetition of the most serious human rights violations that had occurred during the Second World War.
The ECHR has played an important role in the development and awareness of human rights across Europe. Now, thanks to the Human Rights Act , people can bring a Convention rights claim in the domestic courts. Yes, in some ways. Although the EU is independent from the Council of Europe, each share ideals about human rights, democracy and the rule of law uniting Europe. Learn what effect Brexit could have on fundamental rights here. Read more on the European Convention on Human Rights.
She qualified as a solicitor at a London law firm before returning to Oxford to undertake an MPhil, researching international human rights law. The case law of the European Committee of Social Rights touches upon many issues relevant to older people, such as pensions, social assistance and access to basic services.
AGE and other expert representatives from international organisations, civil society and representatives of other Council of Europe intergovernmental Committees took part in the work of this group that drafted a Recommendation on the promotion of human rights of older persons adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in February In fact, five years after the adoption of the Recommendation in , Member States are supposed to report on its implementation and monitoring by civil society is crucial in this process.
The Council of Europe makes a weekly television news programme « The Journal » summarising the main events and activities of the week involving the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights. Every edition addresses international political and social issues, which may be relevant to experts and associations dealing with global policies.
Skip to main content. This website is developed with the financial support of an operating grant of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Commission.