Knowing that the pain I felt at losing a pet - - something not everyone understands and acknowledges - - was shared by Ms. King felt like a soothing balm. And reading too that I was not alone in feeling the spirits of my deceased little ones still with me, and getting signs from them, was akin to joining a secret club. I fell in love with Buckley - - with her determination to find her forever home, her tenacious nature and her joyful demeanor.
Her exuberance at greeting life each and every morning gave me pause and should give every reader pause to think about life and how very thankful we should be for every moment. Buckley taught Ms. King many different things during their time together and Ms. King has honored Buckley's memory by sharing those things with us. Buckley's Story isn't a big read - - it comes in at pages - - but what it lacks in volume it makes up for, tenfold, in touching your heart and spirit. This is one book that will be a permanent fixture in my library.
I cannot encourage you enough to read this book and share it with friends and family - - but keep a box of tissues handy. Aug 15, Sierra rated it it was amazing.
Disclosure: I received a copy of this book for an honest review. Receiving the free book did not influence my opinion. All opinions expressed are my own. Buckley was a joyful little cat who loved life. Even though she only lived with Ingrid and Amber Ingrid's other kitty for three years, Buckley had a huge impact on her family.
I love that Ingrid is so honest and vulnerable in this book, sharing her deepest feelings with us. It is clear that she loved Buckley very much and I appreciate her shar Disclosure: I received a copy of this book for an honest review. It is clear that she loved Buckley very much and I appreciate her sharing her grief with us when Buckley transitioned into spirit form. Though this book may be difficult for cat lovers to read due to the pain of losing a cat, I still highly recommend this book to any cat lover or owner.
It's a beautiful story worth the tears I shed while reading it. Her human was certainly devoted to her to the point that she had difficulty in letting her die at the end. Dec 20, Mason rated it it was amazing. Have you ever not wanted to read a book at the same time you wanted to read it? Sounds a little crazy I know, especially for the beginning of a book review. But let me explain and encourage you to read this book. It also deals with the aftermath of losing that cherished pet and how one handles it.
This book touches on how people can and do connect with their Have you ever not wanted to read a book at the same time you wanted to read it? This book touches on how people can and do connect with their pets on a special level. It explains how pets are not just pets, but family members. I didn't want to read it because I knew that I wasn't going to like what happened to Buckley. I can't handle sad stories, I'm too tender hearted.
In addition, I have a tortoiseshell cat like Buckley that is 12 years old. I wanted to read it - needed to read it - for those very same reasons. Author Ingrid King tells the story of how Buckley came to live with her and her other cat, Amber. She tells of how that one act - sharing her heart and home with Buckley - changed her life forever.
Working as an office manager for a veterinary hospital the author describes how she feel in love with Buckley the first time she saw her. After a number of attempts to bring the cat home, Ms. King tells how Buckley finally made the transition to her forever home. King explains the trials and triumphs of caring for a pet as only a true pet lover could. Through her writing the reader understands that sometimes the simpliest acts bring about the most joy if you open your heart to the possibilities.
King gives voice to the frustations pet lovers face when taking their pets to the vet's office or emergency clinic. Some places work with the pet owners understanding their deep connection to the pets, while others seem to have no feelings in the matter. The strength and positive attitute of this small, four-legged wonder of nature gave the author the guidance to start trusting your own intuition and inspiration.
This lead to Ms. King opening her own business. Buckley taught her to "live in the moment" and not focus so much on the unknown future. Despite the box of Kleenex I went through, I'd read it again and recommend it for pet lovers as well as non-pet lovers. If you have pets, you'll want to show them more attention after reading this. If you don't have a pet, it's time to adopt one. For information can be found on Ms. King's website www.
Dec 07, Haley Mathiot rated it it was amazing. Eventually, she leaves and starts her own business, as a Reiki healer, someone who transfers healing energy to a client. As cats are able to sense energy in a room or in a person, Buckley becomes her assistant healer, as she is able to sense where more energy is always needed, and Buckley becomes a healer-cat.
Thoughts: I absolutely loved this book. This cat is such a character! She is lively and energetic, and does the funniest things sometimes. There were also some very informative sections in the book. The healing process of Reiki is supposed to be a spiritual and physical experience, and I found it an intriguing idea. Ingrid also talks about Animal Communicators, people who are able to understand animals by connecting to that energy, and able to almost communicate with them telepathically.
At the end of the story, Ingrid shares the secrets which are no longer secrets that Buckley taught her on how to relax and live a less stressful life. All in all, this book was a lovely and interesting story, and one that wraps you in a blanket and makes you want to cuddle a purring cat on your lap. Mar 04, Diane rated it really liked it. Buckley's Story is a touching story, and a look at life between a cat and its master. The author first met Buckley, a tortoiseshell cat who walked with a gimp, while she was managing a Veterinary clinic.
She soon fell in love with him. Originally the office greeter-cat, but when Ingrid left her job at the clinic to start her own business, Buckley came home to live with her, and her other tortoise shell cat Amber. After an initial orientation period, the two cats established their own ground rule Buckley's Story is a touching story, and a look at life between a cat and its master. After an initial orientation period, the two cats established their own ground rules and got a long well.
After just two years in his new home Buckley was diagnosed with heart disease. What follows in this memoir, is somewhat of a chronicle from initial diagnosis, treatment, and finally, the realization by Ingrid, of knowing when it was time to let Buckley go.
The story reaffirms how cats can influence and improve the quality of our lives, and how a special animal like Buckley can improve our outlook on life, as well as our overall happiness. This book is a must-read for cat lovers or those who may be grieving the loss of a pet. Feb 15, Kristie rated it it was ok Shelves: read I got this book as a first reads book. It had some good life lessons, like living in the moment, and Buckley seemed like an adorable, joyful kittie, but I wasn't a fan of the author's writing style, and some of her views were just weird.
I've never really believed in the whole "healing energies" thing, and that seems like a large part of the author's life. The part I got this book as a first reads book. The part where she hired an "animal communicator" who told her she was connected on a soul-level with her two cats was odd.
I totally disagree where she said that losing a pet is worse than losing a person. Don't get me wrong, I love my pets, and all animals in general, but I love the human people in my family way more, and think that a human life is worth more than an animal life.
Overall, it was an ok book, but I would have preferred more cute cat anecdotes, and less of the author's view on life. View 1 comment. Dec 01, Laura de Leon rated it really liked it Shelves: memoir , non-fiction , cats , review-copy.
This was a heartwarming story of a cat and her person. I really enjoyed reading about the connection between the author and her special kitty. Even as the story turned more serious, the link between them was wonderful. I also liked looking into Ingrid King's life as she followed a new career path, and explored alternative medicine as it applies to animals.
As a normally skeptical person, I admit to an interest in Reiki and the power of energy to heal. The book briefly passed my comfort level as M This was a heartwarming story of a cat and her person. The book briefly passed my comfort level as Ms. King consulted a psychic animal communicator, but it wasn't enough to impact my enjoyment of the story.
I'd recommend this book to animal lovers willing to walk this path into illness and inspiration. Apr 13, Amanda rated it it was amazing. I love books about animals and how large of an impact they make in our lives and hearts. Apr 28, Geebowie rated it really liked it. I knew this book would be sad consider it deals with the death of a pet. I still wanted to read it. I had a tortoiseshell cat named teefus who died back in October.
Would you like to consciously create a joyful life for yourself and your cats? Are you looking for information to keep your feline family members healthy, happy and content? The Conscious Cat is your comprehensive resource for conscious living, health and happiness for cats and their humans. The name The Conscious Cat came about because cats have been some of my greatest teachers along my own personal journey of living consciously each and every day.
On this site, you will find expert advice and information about feline health, nutrition and lifestyle. The Conscious Cat was inspired by Amber, who was the original conscious cat. She was a wise old soul in a feline body who shared my life for ten years until she passed away suddenly on May 13, Buckley was only with me for three years, but the impact she left on my life was significant and far-reaching.
Ruby passed away on December 18, after a brief illness. Some people believe you only get one soul mate. That has never felt true to me. I have no doubt that Allegra, too, is a soul cat.