Try to choose a small group of people total. Hold the meeting in a different environment from your usual setting. Make sure the setting is an informal one where people feel comfortable and safe. Find an unbiased facilitator, someone who can structure the meeting without sharing his or her own feelings about the conflict. To begin brainstorming, decide whether you want to brainstorm with your opposition, or with only your group.
In either case, you will want to establish some ground rules. After the meeting, you will need to decide which resolution is best. Review your brainstorm ideas. Star the best ideas - these are what you will work with during the conflict resolution process.
Set a time to discuss them and determine which idea is the best. The goal here is to use both groups' skills and resources to get the best result for everyone.
Which resolution gives both groups the most? That resolution is probably the best one. As you are brainstorming and choosing a good resolution, you may want to use a third party mediator. This is a person who is not from your group or your opponent's group, but whom you both trust to be fair. Your mediator can help both sides agree upon a standard by which you'll judge your resolution. Standards are a way to measure your agreement.
They include expert opinions, law, precedent the way things have been done in the past , and accepted principles. Let's say you're building a new playground for your town's elementary school. You disagree with the superintendent about what kinds of materials you'll use to build the playground.
The superintendent wants to use chemical-treated wood, but you feel it's unsafe. A mediator might read the current guidelines of the lumber industry and tell you which kinds of wood are considered safe for children.
Maybe you and the superintendent will agree to follow the lumber industry's advice--in other words, to use that as the standard. Perhaps Harriet is considering quitting her job because her boss wants to transfer her to another office.
The mediator might say, "It sounds like Harriet doesn't care about transferring to the downtown office. What she's worried about is losing rank. Harriet, do you agree with that? Snell, do you understand Harriet's concern? How can we assure Harriet that she won't lose rank if she agrees to transfer? There may be times when, despite your hard work and good will, you cannot find an acceptable resolution to your conflict. You need to think about this possibility before you begin negotiations.
At what point will you decide to walk away from negotiations? What are your alternatives if you cannot reach an agreement with your opponent? It is important that you brainstorm your alternatives to resolution early on in the negotiation process, and that you always have your best alternative somewhere in the back of your mind.
As you consider possible agreements with your opponent, compare them to this "best" alternative. If you don't know what the alternative is, you'll be negotiating without all the necessary information! In order to come up with an alternative, start by brainstorming. Then, consider the pros and cons of each alternative.
Think about which alternative is realistic and practical. Also think about how you can make it even better. At the same time, don't forget to put yourself in the shoes of your opposition.
What alternatives might they have? Why might they choose them? What can you do to make your choice better than their alternative? So far, we've talked about how to negotiate with a fairly reasonable opponent. However, you need to be prepared to negotiate with all kinds of opponents, both reasonable and unreasonable. What if your opponent is more powerful and influential that you are?
What if they refuse to meet or talk with you? All of these situations are stressful, and intended to put extra pressure on you to make a quick decision in the opposition's favor. When a situation like this takes place, stay calm and go slow. Don't get angry or make a rushed decision.
Instead, talk about the pressure tactic without judging. Conflict resolution can help you restore balance and avoid damaging your personal and workplace relationships. Better yet, it can help you ensure continued morale and even peace in multiple areas of your life.
Begin by assessing these strategies to determine if each can help facilitate the restoration of balance and peace for your current conflict:. Avoid the conflict. Of course, not every conflict is worth your time—and avoidance is a legitimate conflict resolution strategy in and of itself. If there is no clear path forward in which both parties may be satisfied, you may consider avoiding engaging in the conflict altogether.
Other times, avoidance may serve as a temporary solution until you can find another venue or engage in more effective means of conflict resolution. Address the conflict privately. When conflict occurs privately, via phone, email, or in person, all involved can feel safe conveying any emotions, impacts, or consequences without the interference of others.
However, in the workplace—as well as within personal life—you cannot always control the location of the original conflict. If a conflict occurs in public, state that you wish to address the issue privately and move the conversation to a private location. Choose a neutral location. To bookmark a post, just click. Conflict resolution is a complex process that needs a strategic approach. Implementing the right conflict resolution steps can be the difference between a happy workforce and a toxic one.
Your conflict resolution efforts are vital to promote unity, collaboration , and cohesion in a team. Any wrong measure might be detrimental to the team that will ultimately harm the organization.
That is why it is imperative that every good leader knows how to handle conflicts within the workplace. This article will discuss some critical and necessary conflict resolution steps you can take to resolve dispute in the workplace. Conflict in an organization is inevitable, and resolving them is quite essential to maintain workplace harmony.
There are numerous benefits of having an effective conflict resolving system in the workplace, including -. Good communication amongst employees. Develops conflict resolution skills. Healthier workplace relationships. Increased collaboration. Better Problem Solving abilities. Builds a psychologically safe workplace. The list will go on; however, we are here to discuss the actionable steps you can take while resolving any organizational dispute.
When disputes in an organization are not resolved timely, it can take a drastic turn and create a hostile work environment. It affects harmony, hampers productivity, and decreases performance. However, any problem between employees can be solved with the right approach and the right measures.
Here is a list of the crucial steps to resolve a conflict in the organization. The first step to resolving any conflict is to understand the root of the problem. Your conflict resolution steps will require you to figure out how the dispute came into place will give you an upper hand on taking swift action so that the situation does not worsen.
Ask the right questions like-. Are you willing to trust me and we can take all the time we need at the meeting? Raising the issue, the first part of any conflict situation, is often the hardest. It can be easy to find reasons to put off difficult conversations. Here are some further sub-steps to guide you:. Open Discussion: It helps to find a neutral or positive way to open the discussion such as talking about other things, business or personal. Share Specifics: Make sure that you come to the discussion prepared.
Have specific examples and cases in mind so you can help make the conversation concrete and prevent it from escalating into blaming and accusations. Raise the issue by being as specific as possible.
Mention the specific situation s or events s that upset you. This will help focus the conversation rather than the other person perceiving you as attacking them.
Discuss Impact: If possible, explain the impact of the event had on you, the team, other people, the business, or customers. Again, this will help the other person understand that you are not raising this issue just to be difficult. Ask questions.