What was the largest robbery in history

Moreover, he knew when the guards took their lunch breaks and when the vault was left open — it was on Friday nights when large quantities of money were being moved. On the night of Friday, September 12, , Pace and five of his old friends got inside the facility, avoiding or subduing the guards and slipping through the cameras unnoticed. It took just about half an hour for the robbers to load millions of dollars into their truck, as Allen Pace knew which bags contained the highest denominations.

He also took care of the recording devices for the cameras, taking them away. After that, the robbers started to carefully launder their take, through property deals and phony businesses.

The crime was disclosed when one of the thieves gave one of the brokers he dealt with a stack of cash with the original currency straps on it.

Professional burglars Amil and James Dinsio with their nephews, brother-in-law, and two other associates, who were good at disarming the alarms, pull off the largest heist in U. They could have probably run away with the cash, but they got greedy and tried to perpetrate a similar heist in Ohio. The investigators linked these two heists and figured out that the gang traveled to California using their real names.

Later officials found a townhouse the robbers rented in California to stage their heist. Eventually, all members of the gang were arrested and most of the loot was recovered.

FB Messenger. Categories: All materials Articles Banks Economy. If they were not caught, they were planning to replace the fake diamonds with their originals. The robbery took place in February Leonardo Notarbartollo was arrested on suspicion of joining to robbery. Breitwieser is one of the most prominent art thieves known up to now with a series of robberies carried out between and Stephan stole works of art from museums, castles and churches of 7 countries in Europe.

Furthermore the most expensive of the works is the Princess Cleves. The heavy-armed gang of 16 men shot at the streets during the robbery.

At least 10 garbage trucks prevented the police from accessing the area. The Americans are no pushovers. But like in many things amazing and fantastic, Nigeria is struggling to take the cake. The Nwude case, I believe, is still on, decades after. It just may never conclude. Nigeria has also developed a reputation with the culture, and of late, yahoo-yahoo boys, Business Email Compromise BEC , benefit frauds, and whatnot, with guys like Hushpuppi, that SA to the Ogun State governor and many more putting us on the ignoble map.

Leadership crises over the years have resulted in a rudderless population busy engaged in anything just to find some money. In spite of all this, what could probably be the largest imagined heist of all times has landed in Nigeria. I then decided to use my knowledge of banking operations and Nigerian banking history to interpret the events and was wowed! The story goes that sometime in under the reign of the great king General Sani Abacha one Prince Isaac Okpala approached the government and promised to build 3 spanking new oil refineries in Nigeria.

Nigeria could never have too many refineries and of course, our refineries were already giving us loads of issues by then.

The Prince please take your mind away from the Nigerian Prince taught in financial markets today as part of anti-fraud training and let us assume he was a real prince , promised to bring in much foreign investment for these 3 refineries.

He said he had foreign partners and mentioned Gazeaft UK Limited — a company that he happened to own and control. Recall that Nwude of the Brazilian Noroeste Bank fame, was later or once a director at the same Union Bank, but there is no connection with this other caper.

Anyway, come along with me. This is interpreted by Petro Union to mean that the cheque had cleared and that Petrol Union was now free to start withdrawing in order to build their refineries. Union Bank appeals the judgment. Said Union Bank appeal lacked merit. Basically threw out the case. The case is still on. The drama is still on, as the directors of the company are shuttling between EFCC and the courts.

The progenitor, Prince Isaac Okpala is now dead, but his adult children are on the case and need their money urgently. I had finished up my National Youth Service at the University of Calabar as an Admin Officer in and hustled back to Lagos in search of a good job in the financial sector. I was lucky to get one at Citizens Bank where I knew nobody.

Apologies to my ogas back in the day but I sort of mastered the manual process back then, very much unlike today when everything is digitized. A good clearing day is a day when the value of cheques you took to clearing was more than what you brought back. Consistent net negative clearing balances meant the bank was hemorrhaging customers and liquidity.

And then there were all sorts of frauds. Forged cheques will be deposited and if a bank is not careful, it will give value and allow a fraudulent person to withdraw all the funds. There was cheque kiting, meaning that some people specialized in writing cheques on accounts that have no funds in the hope that they somehow get value and walk away.

Some put pressure on bank management to grant them early value on spurious cheques and if they are lucky, the bank is cooked. Then there was cheque suppression. This is a scenario where someone deposits a cheque in their account that should be presented to another bank but never gets to the bank.

On the other side, there are no funds and if the cheque actually gets presented through clearing, the other bank will simply bounce the same. The trick is never to allow the cheque to get presented to the paying bank. As a young clearing officer, I was approached severally by the teaming population of bank fraudsters in Lagos, to switch cheques.

The scared look on my pimply face probably never encouraged them to push further. It was however normal to hear that one of your colleagues in the clearinghouse was busted over the weekend because he had acceded to some fraud syndicate. Some got away with the frauds. Or good luck. It was the days of 80 commercial banks, in various states of disrepair. It was the days of finance houses who ran Ponzi schemes.


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