Melissa Partyka is now working on the Gulf Coast and she would be happy to correspond with you. Partyka continues to conduct research of bacteria associated with clams and oysters.
There are so many new health concerns now regarding clamming. I suppose I always assumed that boiling them killed off any potential diseases leaving my 1 concern domoic acid which in itself is a pretty big concern.
I suppose these aren't much of a concern since I'm healthy and have a strong immune system, but it's still good to know all the risks of consuming shellfish. Leave a Reply:. Share Print. Recent Posts Blog Home. Archives All Archives. Tags All Tags. Recent Posts. Native people take a different view of Thanksgiving November 17, Cover cropping season has begun: Free recorded webinars, demos available October 14, Tex Helton: I think the government should stay Tromick: Hello, It is amazing and well Joe Hoffman: Mr.
Charter could you please Raymond: I would like to see some hybrid Sand bars are evershifting and strong ripcurrents are prevalent along this coastline. F or information on licensing, species, size, and take limits , please visit California Fish and Wildlife at www. There is an ADA accesible fishing platform. Fishing and Clamming Regulations. A fragile and valuable resource, Pismo clams may be taken under the following regulations: Clammers must possess a valid fishing license and an accurate rigid measuring device.
Undersized Pismo clams must be immediately reburied, two inches deep, in the area where dug. Always research local and species-specific restrictions before harvesting from any location. The state allows clam diggers to harvest from one hour before sunrise, until one hour after sunset.
Night harvesting is illegal throughout the state. Always check for health warnings before harvesting and eating clams. Each year, the California Department of Health quarantines mussels and advises the public to refrain from eating other types of invertebrates, including clams, harvested from certain areas along the coast. The annual mussel quarantine helps prevent domoic acid poisoning and paralytic shellfish poisoning.
Eating invertebrates that contain high levels of domoic acid can cause sickness or even death in humans. While the mussel quarantine typically occurs from May to October each year, Fish and Wildlife can close a fishery at any time due to health concerns. For example, at the time of this writing, Fish and Wildlife has banned harvesting Pacific razor clams due to elevated domoic acid levels.
Today, Southern California clam diggers can uncover a few Pismo and razor clams, but their numbers have diminished. However, from time to time California experiences an invasion of clams that attracts hordes of shovel-wielding diggers, hoping to bag their dinners.
In , a species of Asian clam invaded San Francisco Bay from inflowing rivers. Ten years later, the Asian clams had adapted to the saltwater conditions and dominated the region.