I shared the news about the cocaine. Without him saying a word I could see what JB was thinking. His body tensed. His face tightened. His anger grew, JB stared at me in silence for a few seconds before turning and walking away. At first, I thought JB was just walking off the shock of the news.
Processing the waste of a young life. It says a lot that JB got the information instantly. We now had three independent sources on the cocaine. Each had a reason to know this information. The world was just a little slower in Pearce knew the implications of getting a story wrong. That reporter was fired. I explained how I got the information and told him what JB learned from players. The cocaine angle would lead the p. At p. I was on the air with the news. We were the only ones reporting Len Bias had been using cocaine.
Our viewers were angry. He heard that initial report. He later told me his reaction. It was p. Mike Buchanan summoned me to his desk near mine in the newsroom. Freshly pulled from his typewriter, Buchanan handed over a copy of the script for his report. While I had returned to the Maryland campus for a few hours, Mike never left his desk after the early newscasts. I looked at the thin carbon paper and was surprised by what I read.
The story provided great detail on what happened inside Washington Hall in the hours before Bias died. I can take it. He learned all of these details from phone calls to law enforcement sources and others. When that story hit air minutes later, callers to the station were even angrier.
I kept a copy of that script. Tribble was accused and eventually acquitted on charges related to providing the cocaine to Bias. Driving from Channel 9 to join Buchanan for a drink at the bar Chadwicks, a few blocks from the station, I learned those same complaints were being voiced very publicly. The voices were instantly recognizable. Of course, there was only one sports item discussed that night. They were talking about us.
They were critical of the way Channel 9 covered the Bias story. He thought we were irresponsible for reporting the cocaine use. Mike Buchanan was an easy going guy. He used to tell me he showed anger at work only about once a year and only for something really important.
He figured by rationing displays of anger, people paid attention the few times he made a scene. He told us to come by. The studio is just a block from Chadwicks. We were on the air with Beatrice within a few minutes. Five minutes later Bias went into convulsions, and moments later Tribble called his mother, then called paramedics to the scene. Long testified that Gregg removed the drug from the room. He said he later cleaned the room up on his own.
During the cross-examination, Long was asked if he feared that cocaine would show up on the drug test given to all players. Valentine, a neighbor who moved there nearly 25 years ago. And he still chats with me. Jekyll and Mr. Tim McCoy, now a sixth-grade teacher at Fort Lincoln Elementary, said Tribble was about 12 years old when he met him, and there were days when young Tribble sought out McCoy.
They sat on the school steps and talked about things that bothered Tribble. Brian would confide in McCoy about her troubles. That was unusual in a child of his age. Early in life, Tribble became interested in basketball, a sport that became a lifelong passion for him. His enthusiasm, if not his skill, led him to play junior-varsity ball in high school and later show up for pickup games held for potential walk-ons at the University of Maryland.
He entered McKinley Tech as an above-average student. At the end of his senior year, he was voted the most attractive boy in the class of and escorted Renee Johnson, voted the most attractive and popular girl in the class, to the Miss McKinley Pageant. Tribble entered the University of Maryland that fall and moved onto campus in the first months of school, then moved back home within weeks.
Relatives remember his complaining that there were too many parties for him to study the way he wanted. He tended to hang out with basketball players, and he laughed and joked with some of the best, including Maryland starter Adrian Branch and Bias, and he clearly was popular with women. Family members said he studied hard. He received a plaque that lauded him as the most improved reading student of At least one teacher, who said Tribble received an A or B in his class, said such efforts were typical of Tribble.
I felt like it was just tradgic and I didn't have a lot of time to grieve, because I was going through an attack of not just the justice system, but the media. It was a terrible time to go through in my life.
I couldn't imagine what his family was going through. Brian Tribble Life is good now. Currently, I own a personal training company. I get a lot of perks from my clients, so I can do things with them. Mike Akron Some believe that the significance of Len's death was that he and Jordan were the next great rivalry, Bird v Magic. And when he died the Torch got puched to Jordan alone and no one could compete with him. Brian Tribble You got to watch the film.
Piggy backing off of Kirk is the big IF. It's a big what if. I believe it would have changed the dynamic of that era. After watching that film, you'll get a better sense of just how great he was.
Craig G. Fairfield, California Hey Brian, I have been fascinated by the Len Bias tragedy for a long time and can't wait to watch your film. What was one quality Len had that people admired? Brian Tribble I would say that he was a great guy all around and basketball was just one of his many talents. Funny, sincere, upbeat person. Looking to learn. Fashion, music, movies.
Just like anyone young, who's looking to eat up what life had to offer. Great friend, great person. Sad, sad ending.