Unrelated to the concrete question: GAE does not support Servlet 3. Its underlying Jetty 7. Check that the version number of your servlet-api. If it's less than 3. If you're using Maven and don't want to link Tomcat in the Targeted Runtimes in Eclipse, you can simply add the dependency with scope provided in your pom. Python Javascript Linux Cheat sheet Contact.
Can't import javax. All Sign in options. Enter a Email Address. Choose your interests Get the latest news, expert insights and market research, sent straight to your inbox. Newsletter Topics Select minimum 1 topic. Adjeiinfo December 28, 0 Comments. Abhinandan Vishwakarma Posted December 29, 0 Comments. Hi, I think you should use specific annotation instead of javax.
Adjeiinfo Posted January 3, 0 Comments. Thank you for your answer. Could you give some examples? WebServlet class is not recognized -Alok. Register or Login. I don't use Tomcat on my Eclipse only have it on my Netbeans. How can I solve the problem? I don't use tomcat on my eclipse only have it on my net-beans. How can I solve the problem. Do not put the servlet-api. This is only asking for trouble. You need to check in the Project Facets section of your project's properties if the Dynamic Web Module facet is set to version 3.
In order to be able to import javax. You can do the same for Google App Engine. Once again, do not copy container-specific libraries into webapp project as others suggest. Unrelated to the concrete question: GAE does not support Servlet 3.