Talk to them and mention each leader's name and the entire town will erupt into chaos. With your job done, return to Mephala's Shrine and you'll be rewarded with the Ebony Blade.
This sword does decent damage and has Silence and Absorb Health effects on strike. Last Edited: 9 Apr pm. Was this guide helpful? YES NO. In This Wiki Guide. In this RPG epic, you must find the lost heir to the throne and unravel the plot that threatens to destroy all of Tamriel. Release Date. Set in suburban Chicago in the late s, the story centers on ten-year-old Jake Doyle's Fegley herculean quest to get the latest and greatest video game system for Christmas.
The film is based on the novel by Kevin Jakubowski. Play Sound. For other uses, see Mephala. Pluck but a single thread, and the weave unravels. In Bleaker's Way, two families, Nord and Dunmer, live in perfect harmony. But beneath the surface lurks the secret seed of strife. Kill the leaders of the two families. Plant evidence to implicate the other family as the killer. And don't get caught. Be cunning. Don't spoil my scheme. And don't die Is there a prettier sight than friends at war?
Take pleasure in the strife you have caused, mortal". Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following: Please reload an old save to confirm if the bug is still happening. Cancel Save. Universal Conquest Wiki. Mephala's followers have told me that, in order to summon the Daedra, I must first leave an offering of nightshade at her statue between midnight and dawn. Mephala has told me about the settlement of Bleaker's Way. She would like me to kill the leaders of the two families, and leave evidence that the murders were done by the other family.
I am to allow no one to see me commit the crimes. Mephala is a devious sort and relishes in strife of any kind. Her shrine can be found northeast of the Imperial City , southwest of the a in the word "Heartlands" on the map screen. Players must provide an offering of nightshade , which can be found along the bay on the southwest side of the map , and be level A Daedra that offers a break from something evil, Meridia despises undead of any kind and like Azura is not considered to be too evil.
Her shrine is west of Skingrad, between both that city and Kvatch. Meridia must be offered something associated with the undead which is either bonemeal, ectoplasm, or mort flesh. Players must also be level 10 to be able to start the quest. His shrine is located west of the Imperial city and Northwest of Clavicus Vile's shrine. The player must offer the shrine a lion pelt which is looted from lions in the game's wilds and must be at least level Namira pretty much expects her followers to wallow in their own self misery and darkness.
Her shrine with her miserable followers can be found southeast of Bruma , directly left of the B in "County Bruma" on the map. Players only have to be level 5 to start Namira's quest. Unlike other shrines which have you offer an item, players must have a personality skill level of 20 or lower to be able to start the quest. This can be done by drinking enough alcohol until you are at the required skill level.
The good thing is you don't have to stay at this personality level once the quest is started so don't worry about having to maintain a low personality level. Nocturnal is basically the patron God of thieves and is a name most often associated with them. Her shrine is north of Leyawiin and west of the words "County Leyawiin" on the map.
The good thing about Nocturnal is that she does not require an offering to be made to her. You do have to be level 10 to initiate her quest though. A Daedra that happens to be a dragon associated with spreading plagues, this guy's shrine is located west of Lake Canulus on the south side of the Silverfish River where it starts flowing into the Niben Bay.
Just like with Nocturnal, no offering is required and the level requirement is 10 as well. The Daedric prince of debauchery, Sanguine and his followers enjoy a near-constant bliss from excessive partying.