For further queries, you may send an email to degverify nus. If you need a detailed official academic transcript, this can be obtained from the graduate please refer to the Transcripts webpage. If you need to verify that a candidate is currently registered as an NUS student, please request a Student Status Letter from the student.
Please note that these letters are computer-generated and do not bear a signature. Telephone: 65 Email: commencement nus. Telephone: 65 Email: transcript nus. Telephone: 65 Email: ugregistration nus. Telephone: 65 Email: nghelp nus. Email: gdregistration nus. Telephone: 65 Email: examinations nus.
Telephone: 65 Email: qet nus. Telephone: 65 Email: det nus. Applications and payments for transcripts should be made online at the transcript website. You may collect your degree scroll and complimentary transcript personally from the Registrar's Office at:.
Collection time: Monday to Friday: 8. Proof of identity, i. If you are unable to collect the documents personally, you may authorise a proxy to collect them on your behalf. You will need to download and complete the Collection Authorisation Form for this.
For verification purposes during collection, the proxy will be required to produce the following documents:.