Where is struts.xml file

In this section we will introduce you to the struts. This section explains you how best you can use the struts. The Struts 2 Framework uses a configuration file struts. These resources include:. At runtime, there is a single configuration for an application.

Prior to runtime, the configuration is defined through one or more XML documents, including the default struts. There are several elements that can be configured, including packages, namespaces, includes, actions, results, interceptors, and exceptions.

The struts. Features of struts 2 configuration file:. You can even place struts-plugin. This helps the programmers to develop self-configured components. If you want to use the frameworks such as Freemaker and Velocity modules, then the templates can also be loaded from classpath. This enables the developer to package entire module just in single JAR file.

Structure of the struts. In the last section we developed and tested the Hello World application. Honestly speaking, you can start working by just using web. However, for your knowledge we will explain regarding other files also. The web. It is not strictly a Struts2 configuration file, but it is a file that needs to be configured for Struts2 to work.

As discussed earlier, this file provides an entry point for any web application. The entry point of Struts2 application will be a filter defined in deployment descriptor web.

Hence we will define an entry of FilterDispatcher class in web. This is the first configuration file you will need to configure if you are starting without the aid of a template or tool that generates it such as Eclipse or Maven2. We will cover this when we will go through the Annotations chapter. The struts. This file can be used to override default settings for an application, for example struts.

Let us have a look at the struts. Configuration File — web. This file gives configuration similar to public static void main String args[] in java. It specifies the entrance point of execution of a web application. But you have to edit as following structure. The general format or template of web. The encoding attribute is generally optional. It represents that the encoding is in Unified Text Format 8. All other tags reside under this element. Used only for GUI. It is similar to ID attribute used in forms.

The value is org. This class is already defined in org. Example: MyTestPage. In the above entry, wherever this file is to be called, only viewAlarm is specified.

This allows you to change the Alarm View page without changing the references to it throughout the Web Client. The action mapping for the AlarmView. Contains the action definitions. This is a 'local' forward and is optional.


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