Where to find aerodactyl in crystal

TM32 Double Team -- 15 -- Creates illusionary copies of the user. They disorient the enemy, reducing its accuracy. TM35 Sleep Talk -- 10 -- Randomly chooses one of the user's moves.

TM37 Sandstorm -- 10 -- An attack that creates a sandstorm. The effect causes damage to both combatants. Has a one-in-ten chance of inflicting a burn on the target. It is highly accurate, so it can be counted on to inflict damage. TM43 Detect -- 5 -- Allows user to completely evade attack. TM44 Rest -- 10 -- The user takes a nap to fully restore its HP and recover from any status abnormalities. TM45 Attract -- 15 -- Infatuates targets, making it hard for them to attack foes of the opposite gender.

TM47 Steel Wing 70 90 25 10 Strikes the target with stiff wings. Used to fly to places already visited. It inflicts major damage if the target switches out in the same turn. Whirlwind -- 20 -- Details A powerful wind that blows the target away. Steel Wing 70 90 25 10 Details Strikes the target with stiff wings.

Has a one-in-ten chance of leaving the target with a burn. One quarter of the damage comes back to hurt the attacker. It always inflicts a set amount of damage. Mimic -- 10 -- Gen I TM31 A move for learning one of the opponent's moves, for use during that battle only. At the end, it returns double the damage it received. Stores energy in the first turn, then fires in the next. Attack Sp. A bite made using sharp fangs. A ROCK-type attack. A charging attack. An extremely powerful attack. It is rare in the games inasmuch as you simply can't find one in the wild supposedly they are extinct.

Not too shabby In battle, Aerodactyl is an absolute monster. To top it all off, this thing is fast. There isn't much of a complex strategy here; your objective is to hammer your opponent into the ground with Aerodactyl's monstrous strength before they even have a chance to blink.

Earthquake is essential for Electric and Rock types, and guess what? Aerodactyl is faster than all of them save Electrode. Super-effectiveness aside, Earthquake is a solid and powerful move that will tear through anything that isn't specifically resistant to it considering Aerodactyl's massive Attack.

AncientPower has by far the coolest potential "side-effect" of any move in the game. If Aerodactyl gets lucky and hits the bonus, its opponent can basically kiss his or her entire lineup goodbye. A standard Aerodactyl is scary; a beefed-up one is godly. Just don't forget to PP Up it; five turns can be nothing to an Aerodactyl in the hands of a master. Nothing fancy to say about Wing Attack; it's just another STABed, 60 base power move that Aerodactyl can use to great effect thanks to it's humongous Attack I really love saying that.

It's nothing special, really, but you'll be happy to have it should you run into a Fighter or a Grass-type. It required training two Sneasels up to level 57 with the same moves in the proper order and then following a series of several complicated steps. The good old Cerulean gym is designed like an indoor swimming pool. The player walks on platforms to avoid having to get into the water, which are also cleverly designed to ensure you walk into the gym trainers.

This is because there were large game mechanics changed with the introduction of the third generation, such as the way that the special stats worked. It would have been too complicated to make them compatible with each other. You could get the fossil for Omanyte or the fossil for Kabuto. There is a nice NPC who is willing to trade his Aerodactyl to you. After defeating the additional eight gym leaders of Kanto, you are able to finally able to trek Mt. Waiting for you at Mt. Silver is none other than Red, the protagonist of the first generation games.

However, this trend might have been started with these games and Red might not have been silent in the original games. In the first generation games, it is implied that Red speaks when he interacts with the Copycat.

Their sprites were also identical. The games had different sprites from each other and they were animated. In Celadon City, one can find a tall building commonly known as the Celadon mansion. The Celadon Mansion is actually the Celadon Condominiums. It was referred to as the Celadon Mansion because of a translation error. Unfortunately, that is not the case in the second generation games, but there is still an interesting little Easter egg.

Your player adds a moustache to the graffiti. For example: do you remember Dunsparce? Dunsparce is not very strong and does not look very flashy. Dunsparce does not have an evolution either. It just seems like Game Freak forgot to finish its evolution line. Maybe it is unfair to say Girafarig is forgettable because it seemed like I encountered a wild Girafarig a frustrating amount of times during my playthrough of these games. If you play the games through again, you may seem less enthused about the idea.


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