Will run off the user's Attack or Special Attack depending on type. Lake of Rage. Sunny Day. Cancels all other weather moves.
Celadon PokeMart. Sweet Scent. Lowers the target's Evasion by 1 stage. Miltank Farm - Cure the sick Miltank. Goldenrod Game Corner - coins. Hyper Beam. The user recharges during its next turn; as a result, until the end of the next turn, the user becomes uncontrollable.
Icy Wind. Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage. Mahogany Town Gym. Almost always goes first. The user is protected from all attacks for one turn, but the move's success rate halves with each consecutive use of Protect , Detect or Endure.
Celadon MegaMart. Rain Dance. Slowpoke's Well. Giga Drain. Celadon City Gym. The user is left with at least 1 HP following any attacks for one turn, but the move's success rate halves with each consecutive use of Protect , Detect or Endure.
Burnt Tower. Power increases as user's happiness decreases; maximum BP. The user prepares on turn one, becoming uncontrollable , and then attacks on turn two. During Sunny Day , this move fires immediately; during Rain Dance , this move has half power. Iron Tail. Olivine City Gym. Dragon's Den - After receiving Rising Badge. Also has normal accuracy against mid-air Pokemon have used Fly. Power doubles when performed against Pokemon using Dig.
Victory Road. Power increases as user's happiness increases; maximum BP. On the first turn, the user digs underground, becoming uncontrollable , and evades all attacks. Earthquake , Magnitude and Fissure can hit underground, with Earthquake and Magnitude having doubled power; the user may also be hit underground if it was previously targeted by Lock-On or Mind Reader. On the second turn, the user attacks. National Park. Saffron City - Mr Psychic's House. Shadow Ball. Ecruteak City Gym.
Lowers the target's Accuracy by 1 stage. Violet City Gym. Double Team. Raises the user's Evasion by 1 stage. Celadon Game Corner - coins. Ice Punch. Goldenrod MegaMart. Confuses the target and raises its Attack by 2 stages.
Olivine City Lighthouse. Sleep Talk. Does nothing if the user is awake. If the user asleep , it randomly performs one of its attacks. If Rest is selected, user recovers its HP and stays asleep for two more turns.
Sleep Talk can choose an attack that has run out of PP; the generated attacks also do not cost PP, and it cannot generate itself, Bide , Disabled attacks or two-turn attacks with a charge-up turn like Fly or Skull Bash. Moves with a recharge turn like Hyper Beam can be generated. Goldenrod MegaMart Basement. Sludge Bomb. Tohjo Falls. Fire Blast. Ignores Evasion and Accuracy modifiers and never misses except against Protect , Detect or a target in the middle of Dig or Fly.
Union Cave. Defense Curl. Raises the user's Defense by 1 stage ; after one use of this move, the user's starting base power is doubled for every use of Rollout. Mt Mortar. Frustration Normal Location: On the fifth floor of the Goldenrod Department Store on Sundays, there will be a woman in red behind the counter. Travel to the bridge area of the route and Surf to the bottom of the area until you find a whirlpool.
Dispose of it and TM22 will be sitting on the small island. Surf and Whirlpool are necessary to accomplish this. Once either task is accomplished, she will award you with TM24 as well as the Rising Badge. Earthquake Ground Location: On the third floor of Victory Road in the westward section of the map will be a hole that descends to the 2nd floor. Fall down the hole and TM26 will be right next to your landing spot. Return Normal Location: On the fifth floor of the Goldenrod Department Store on Sundays, there will be a woman in red behind the counter.
To the side of the boy playing a Game Boy, you will notice a gap in the fence. TM28 can be found by following the left path. Inside will be Mr. Psychic, a man that will give you TM29 if you speak to him. To reach the TM, simply climb up the ladders of the Lighthouse; falling down holes is not necessary to obtain the TM. To access it you must have exposed the fake President at the top of the Radio Tower. Travel to the Goldenrod Underground and take the path that juts to the right.
Enter the double doors and descend the stairs. You should now be in a room with several pillars. Travel to the far left side of the room and activate every switch from left to right. Follow the newly opened path to the next area. TM35 will be in the center of this room. Talk to the man behind the counter and he will explain that Team Rocket left behind an item after they left.
The guard will then give you the item, which is TM Pass through Tohjo Falls and enter the house to the left of the exit. Once you have descended the ladder, head left to discover the TM. Mortar from the center entrance only accessible with Surf. Surf again once in the cave and climb the waterfall to the next area.
Once inside, Surf through the three ponds to the left, drop from the second ledge to the right, travel to the far right, Surf up the next pond, take a left, then drop from a ledge, and climb up the stairs.
TM40 will be lying in front of you. Use either move to gain access to him. Speaking to the man will net you TM Continue down this path until you have reached a fork in the road, and choose the left way. You will then encounter a complicated maze of shrubs and trees that can be Cut. Hug the right and eventually you will reach TM Rest Psychic Location: On the second basement floor of the Ice Cave will be a room with ice you can slide on in the bottom section and solid land on the top section.
Align yourself with the ladder, run forward, jump off the ledge, and slide to the right to reach TM Simply descend the series of stairs through the hideout to reach the TM.
A second one can be found on Route 28 inside a small house in the route's northwestern corner. Nightmare Ghost Location: Before trying to obtain this TM, it is advised that you either defeat of capture the Sudowoodo blocking the path on Route