At the end of the Diamond Mine, you find the white jewel among the diamonds by using the small magnifier at the bottom right. When you see it third jewel from bottom left , you can pick it up. Use the small loupe magnifier at the bottom left to look at all of the diamonds. Only one, near the lower left, has the triangular Nabooti symbol on it. There are 5 jewels to find on Nabooti Island. The White Jewel has a triangular inscription on it.
Use the magnifier at the bottom right. Using the magnifying glass bottom right , you should see the Nabooti symbol on one of the diamonds.
It is at the bottom left of the group of diamonds. Select "take" and you will get the white jewel. Use the magnifying glass bottom right to find out which jewel has the Nabooti seal on it. The jewel will be near the bottom left, so look for the triangular mark. The white jewel is in the diamond mines, in a pile of loose diamonds. It is a small triangular mark.
It is on the jewel. The jewel is in the lower left middle. Use the little magnifying glass in the bottom right corner to find it. The hardhat allows you to enter the Diamond Mines, where you will find the White Jewel. The order of the jewels in the Nabooti statue, from top to bottom, are purple, green, red, white, and blue. Log in. Nabooti Island. Study now. See Answer. Best Answer. Study guides.
Q: What type of symbol will be on the white jewel on nabooti island? Write your answer Related questions. Exit Safari and fly down to Diamond Mines at the bottom of the map.
Hop right, into the Hard Hat area, and stop when you reach this device:. I know, I look super-ugly with the hat on. Anyway, press the little turn-button thingy with the arrow. Work fast, you only have one rotation of the button-thing! It will show the dial as it rotates at the bottom of your screen. Avoid the carts at all cost. One you get to the top, hop through the metal tube. Turn off the spark box, by pressing the green button which will stop the mine carts from going up.
Return to the spark box and press it again. The sparks will ignite a trail of fire, and the rock will explode. The barrel will fall back to where you first found it. Turn off the spark box again, and push the barrel to the end of the wall. Then, repeat with the spark box, and the wall with explode. Now, you can walk through it. Push the cart. If you fall, you can always try again. Hint: the jewel has the Nabooti carving on it that other diamonds do not.
Use the magnifying glass to help. Now, just hop up the hole and back to your plane. Oh, and you might want to put on that turban from earlier. Check your shovel for a phone number, then use your Cell Phone to call it. Take it. Next, go back to the Sphinx. Climb to the top and put the Moonstone in the circular area.
Enter the Sphinx. Click on it and play around with it until each of the bars makes a horizontal straight line. If you fall off the bridge, a scorpion will chase and sting you. Anyway, then the door will open, and you can leap through. Remember those symbols from earlier? Start from the girl and go up the line. This next part is tricky, so pay attention.
Find this picture:. And starting from the jackal, mentally label it 1. Label the parrot 2, the monkey 3, and the frog 4. Get stuck in the trap door at the far right of the room do this by clicking enter on the door You will be in the metal room.
Go down the conveyor belt and jump on the pipes you see there then jump up on the platform and get the ears. Click the levers and turn the magnet off.
Than come down and climb up to the crane again and turn the magnet on. Then click on Crusher to handcuff him go to the scientist to get hand cuffs. Speeding Spike: ————— Lead him to the wet spot.
Push the first crate on the right all the way over to the right side and then jump on it so that you can reach the ledge above. Drop down and go to the right. Push the next crate off the ledge to the left. Now push that same crate to the left again so that you can use it to reach the ledge above. Go to the right and climb to the top of the tower. Jump off the tower and go to the right, up to the dias. Go down to the merchant with the camel and trade him Grain for Cloth.
Go back up to the first merchant with the blue and green turban and trade him the Cloth for the Spy Glass. Another mining method that is frequently used is called alluvial mining. This type of mining is usually performed in areas of secondary deposits like riverbanks, beaches or even off-shore locations. Some of these methods include shallow-water mining, deep sea operations involving high tech equipment and simple alluvial mining. Like open pit mining, the ore materials are usually transported offsite for further processing.
Did you know that alluvial mining can cause serious deterioration and damage to our natural environment? These diamonds and ruby locations are super op and you can sue them to grind xp and level up super fast in roblox island tribes.
Push it off and then left so that you can reach yet another platform. Push the crate you find on the platform off onto the ground left, which will allow you to reach a broken ladder. Climb the ladder, and when you reach the top, push the crate there off of the platform and use it to reach another rocky floor in the cave.