Memes that promote harmful conspiracies and memes that mock them are sometimes hard to distinguish. The outdated Microsoft operating system was recently dumped online in a huge leak. Hackers can now scour it for bugs to exploit. Believers of QAnon fringe conspiracy theories have moved into the mainstream political arena, including several who will be running as Republican candidates in the U. Obamagate is strongly linked to the QAnon conspiracy theory — on Twitter these hashtags are frequently used alongside each other.
If news pundits had been paying closer attention to memes, they may have been less shocked by the result of the US presidential election. The Politically Incorrect forum is bringing its racist vitriol to a website near you. Popular Latest. The Atlantic Crossword. Sign In Subscribe. Like "OP," what is "OP"? OP means original poster. Are you familiar these terms, having been the founder and administrator of the 4chan site?
What would "lurker" mean? Somebody who browses but does not post, does not contribute. What do the words "caps" mean? And is there any significance to "new fags"? That is the term used to describe new users to the site.
What about "b tard"? What about "troll"? It means essentially gone or not found. Not found on where, the 4chan site?