In Samoa, the average life expectancy is 75 years 72 years for men, 78 years for women as of In Tonga, that number is 77 years 75 years for men, 79 years for women as of In Samoa, 5. In Tonga, that number is 1. In Samoa, approximately In Tonga, on the other hand, In Tonga, In Tonga, about Tonga is a sovereign country in Australia-Oceania, with a total land area of approximately sq km. Tonga - unique among Pacific nations - never completely lost its indigenous governance.
Samoans and tongans both value families and traditions. Samoans are better Tongans not There is no correct or incorrect answer for this question.
You can debate it till the cows come home, but the truth be told, Tongans would say they are, and Samoans would say the same, that Samoans are better. No, but their languages are closely related. Tongans are buffer but Samoans are fatter. Tongan people look like Tongans They are similar to Samoans. Most Tongans may vary in looks, but most Tongans you would come across would definitely have a full head of thick hair. They are also big, but yet very friendly.
I would feel very sad for the few Samoans and Tongans who resort to this kind of feeling. I am Samoan, and I have a lot of Tongan family and friends. We are all God's children, and there is no room for hate in this world if we learn to live and get along with each other. God bless. Alofa atu and ofa atu. To be honest none of them. Because they don't seem to care about school, only what sport there doing.
How could you tell? No one know's. Just people be posting up some "off" quetions and answer's. Everybody just need's to get along. This is a stupid question. Strength stands not only in your body but your mind so it doesn't matter. Tonga and Samoa are even. But the reason why Samoans hate Tongans is because sometimes Tongans can be a little over board with things.
Like showing off. Samoans however a little bit on the humble side. But Tongans and Samoans are pretty even. I truly believe Samoans, Maoris, Tongans, Cook Islanders, etc, etc, are all descended from the same people who journeyed across the Pacific Ocean in their wakas canoes from Havaiki thousands of years ago. There is a possibility that Tongans and Samoans are the natives of South America.
But they do not have any African Ancestry. That is not entirely true Tongans and Samoans are a mixture of Chinese and African. Although South America does have nationals with African descendants it is thought that the African influence came from Fiji and in the time of the great war between Samoa, Tonga. Fiji New Guinea who are undeniably of African decent where also involved in the Great wars of I have seen both Tongan and Samoans with strong African features: dark with Afros so to say that Islanders are without African descendants is absurd.
Click on the related link for photos of members of Samoans took by a German photographer in the late s. She said Utah is still seen there as an attractive place to move to because "the economy is tough in Tonga, too. There is not very much work available. Many coming from the islands first go to California or Hawaii, but often end up in Utah.
The pace is slower here. It's a better place to raise a family," she said. And she adds the Tongans moving are not just Mormons, and that her group works with 20 denominations. Samoans in Utah also get some attention from home. For example, Eni F. Faleomaevega, American Samoa's nonvoting delegate in Congress, sometimes campaigns here.
He has explained that people from that territory are U. So Utah Samoans are a key part of his constituency. She said most Tongans are in the lower-to-middle-class economic bracket. She said they have the highest obesity rate in the state, the highest infant mortality rate and the highest risk for diabetes. Kinikini said Tongans also sometimes struggle between their old culture and Western culture, and to keep their youths out of gangs.
But, Tavake-Pasi said, "it seems like most like it here. There are more opportunities here. There is good educational opportunities.