Who is zulaikha

Zulaikha eventually diagnoses the root cause of her disease when she says:. Yet I claim not that my soul [nafs] was innocent — surely the soul of man incites to evil — except inasmuch as my Lord had mercy; truly my Lord is All-forgiving, All-compassionate.

Her Nafs. Our Nafs. A beast inside each and every one of us that we must tame. An unbridled nafs will lead us to prefer all carnal desires over the love of what Allah and His Messenger Muhammad peace be upon him and his family call us to. Doing so will cause us ruin in this world, and in the next. Yet a nafs that has been tamed will learn to prefer Allah and His Messenger peace be upon him and his family over all else, causing happiness in this world and in the next.

The Messengers of Allah [Peace and blessings be upon them] taught us the cognizance of our souls, and gave us the tools to control our caprice, while reminding us that success can only come by the mercy of Allah [May He be glorified].

The story of Yusuf and Zulaikha explores the nature of desire, temptation, and envy that occupies space in all of our souls and leads many of us astray. Please note that the narration of the story from Quran and from other narrations are clearly separated with a disclaimer that We believe in Quranic narration and these are the narrations from israeliyat which we may or may not believe. His love has entered the depth of her heart.

Surely, we see her in open error. Why do you call it the love of zalaikah?! She demonstrated a grotesque, conceited lust and he was NOT persuaded no matter her threats! Please take it down!

There is no reason to suppose that Allah SWT forgave a bitch like her- an apt name for her for did connive to put an innocent person indeed a Prophet in the dungeons for a long while. I realise that in the grander scheme of human existence she is a mere prop used by Allah SWT to cite the example of Joseph of how to stay steadfast o the value of Islamic principles. But, she failed badly even after she had been given a chance to make apology once. I believe Allah delivered punishment to her because nothing is more important to Allah SWT than justice- be it after her death — equal to her initiation, stubborness to accept guilt and continued pursuit of oppressive evil conduct.

The story of Yusuf and Zulaikha always brings tears to my eyes. It has many still relevant messages. However, I think the author of the post, Aafia, has misunderstood the message entirely. The restraint shown in Yusuf is not because he was a prophet. Prophets are still humans just like you and I. It ia because he was human and a man ans still able to restrain himself.

We are after all not animals who follow their instincts. So man or woman, prophet or not, you are ARE able to restrain yourself. There is no excuse. As Yusuf says, he is overwhelmed but seeks refuge in his iman.

We are at times tempted but it is art of life. In this case the seductress was a woman. So the roles are reversed and I believe Muslims today have a lot to learn from this beautiful story of taqwa instead of assuming men are wild animals who have no control of their genitals.

They do. Everything else is cultural and manmade excuses to justify evil and void of taqwa. Been so curious of the story of Zulaikha and Prophet Yusof. Indeed, he is my master, who has made good my residence. Indeed, wrongdoers will not succeed. The Watty Awards. Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. Table of contents. New Reading List. Spiritual Many of what we call "love stories" today are nothing more than stories of lust and desire, physical attraction disguised as love. Send to Friend. Story continues below.

Promoted stories. You'll also like. The story of Yusuf and Zulaikha was a very popular tale and many versions of it were rendered over the centuries by various authors in languages such as Arabic, Persian, Persian, Turkish and Urdu. Rescued by a merchant who hears his cries for help, he is taken by him to be sold in a slave market in Egypt.

Yusuf is put up for sale, astounding everyone who sees him by his wondrous beauty. Each one his costliest treasure sold, And ran to the mart with ready gold. There is tumult in the market as everyone tries to bid for him.


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