Sensitivity to smells Sometimes people develop a sensitivity to the smell of certain foods that can make them feel nauseated or unable to eat. Depression or loneliness Depression affects 1 in 10 seniors and often causes loss of appetite. Many older adults may also dislike mealtime because they have nobody to eat with and their loneliness gets intensified. Sometimes, not being able to choose what to eat makes someone not want to eat at all.
Mealtimes are unpleasant If mealtimes have become a time for disagreements or arguments about their eating, seniors could associate food with unpleasantness and avoid it.
Next Step Try these 6 ways to encourage your older adult to eat more. I need Help. Thank you. We strongly recommend that you see your doctor to find out if there are underlying health conditions that could be making it difficult for you to eat.
My 86 year old mother has lost considerable weight in the last year or so. Test results were fine but she is suffering from severe constipation and she became scared to eat anything. I am looking for suggestions of what foods will help her.
The first step to treating loss of appetite is to find out what is causing it. Here are some of the most common causes of appetite loss, many of which are either preventable or manageable. If your aging loved one has lost the will to eat, you or their senior home care aide should check the side effects listed on their pill bottles to see if their medicines could be the cause. If it is severe, talk to their doctor about possibly switching medications.
Depression, anxiety , stress, and tension can all cause one to lose their appetite. This could be because their emotional turmoil makes them feel nauseated or ill, or it could be because they simply feel no desire to eat. Older adults need enough nourishment to keep them strong and healthy through their golden years and to help them deal with and recover from any medical conditions that they experience.
So even though loss of appetite is a normal part of getting older for many people, it can still be very concerning to see a loved one start eating less. NOTE: Loss of appetite can also be a sign of depression as well as serious illnesses associated with aging , so someone who suddenly loses their appetite should see their doctor for evaluation.
All these situations can cause the body and mind to want less fuel. In addition, seniors often lose control of aspects of their lives as they age. If what, when, where and with whom they eat is controlled by someone else, that lack of control over an important part of life may cause them to lose their appetites.
You and your loved one can try one, some or all of these strategies to see what works. Together with their doctors, you can help them continue to live rich, healthy lives. As you begin your search, use this easy to understand guide to help you better understand your options. Sign up and get new blog articles delivered to your email each month!
Advanced Filters search. Filter By: Optional. Assisted Living. Memory Care. Independent Living. Respite Care. Seniors have lower energy levels and often partake in less physical activity, which means they generally need less calories than a younger person.
And, there are a variety of reasons for appetite loss in the elderly that, as mentioned before, are perfectly normal. For instance, resting metabolic rate decreases because of reduced levels of hormones, and the elderly are often less active in their later years. Plus, changes in the senses causes food to taste differently, medication side effects, problems with dentures, or even loneliness can all be loss of appetite causes.
However, there are some instances when appetite loss is a sign of a more serious illness or condition. When seniors show no desire to eat, say they never feel hungry, or are experiencing unintentional weight loss, there may be an underlying medical reason. This is especially true if your loved one is often fatigued along with having no appetite.
Contact a doctor if you notice your loved one has a decreased appetite that seems more severe than in the past, or if he or she is losing weight without trying. Stimulating appetite in your loved one can be accomplished by utilizing a few different methods. First, enjoy a meal together or encourage your loved one to join others for a weekly lunch or dinner. Studies show that seniors who eat with others tend to eat more and make healthier food choices.
Try making nutritious meals that are bright, colorful and packed with vitamins and minerals.