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When she isn't buried in her next business venture, you can catch her baking cookies with her preschooler, being the world's slowest runner, and snatching up the last bath bomb. If nothing else works, put the baby on his or her back in a crib without loose blankets or stuffed animals, close the door, and check on the baby in 10 minutes. The things you do for a peaceful life [emoji23][emoji85] Sent from my iPhone using Netmums.
If you are anxious then you could be transmitting this to your baby. Try popping the radio on and putting them in the pram for a sleep. Do some jobs in the kitchen and have a sing along while they get off to sleep.
If they cry for 15 mins then go back and check on them with a smile! Repeat and if they are tired and well fed, clean etc they will sleep. Try the same with the car seat half an hour before you leave the house. Try the radio jn the car, somthing nice like heart fm or classic depending on what you like. How you feel can be how they feel. If you are anxious and worried well of course mommy knows.. They are only going to get heavier to carry around Good luck. In answer to Emmie P.
I wore my first baby in a Tula carrier until she was almost 2 - she loved the pram but equally loved to be carried. Surely leaving them in a car seat in your house, upset, is going to increase their anxiety about being in one anyway? My daughter hated the pram but was happy enough in the car seat and most of the time slept in the car.
I used to time outings around nap times. I used to put the car seat attachment on the pushchair but when she got to around 8 weeks I put her in the pushchair obviously fully reclined.
Sent from my iPhone using Netmums. In answer to angelmumma. Instead of the portable car seat I am now using one of the Cybex Sirona which is fitted in my car.
In answer to C a G. What I meant was that if a parent knows that in half an hour they have to pop out for 15 mins to fetch an older child from school etc then its easier to put baby for a nap in the car seat so as not to disturb them when it comes to going out. My first dd was exactly the same. I found that as soon as she old enough to sit upright she was quite happy - which was just as well as she was getting heavy!!!
Hopefully by about 3 months things will improve. I am going to keep trying it on the occasions it doesn't matter if she cries for very short periods just to see if I can get her used to it. In the meantime I would use a sling if I were you.
Your lo could be colicky and this will help ease the pain in the baby's tummy. Best of luck! You are not alone!
Yes, just need to clarify slings can be used into toddlerhood and beyond with the right one. I'm only 5'0" and size 10 and wrap my 2. Join now to personalise. August Birth Club BabyCentre may earn a commission from shopping links. Original poster's comments 1. Mine went through a similar phase. He would settle in the pram if he was tired but otherwise just wanted to be cuddled all the time.