Why fibroids grow during pregnancy

Most women do not know that they have fibroids as the symptoms are so subtle. Usually, women that have fibroids during pregnancy do not even realize it.

One of the most common symptoms of fibroids in pregnant women is pain during the second and third trimesters. This pain is a result of fibroids that are larger than 5 centimetres. Some of the risks that you may experience during pregnancy, labour and delivery because of fibroids are:. In most cases, fibroids do not grow in size during pregnancy, but there are some cases where this.

This is the reason why some women might experience growth of fibroids during pregnancy, and many a time, these fibroids begin to decrease in size soon after delivery.

This usually depends on the care a woman takes of her body before, during and after pregnancy. If you maintain a healthy lifestyle, complications such as fibroids should not arise.

Usually a fibroid should be left as it is. Fibroids are usually treated with mild pain killers as they can. In some rare cases, where the fibroids are very severe and are causing great discomfort, the fibroids can be removed through a procedure called myomectomy.

In this procedure, the fibroids are removed from within the uterine and outside the uterus very carefully without disturbing the foetus. Fibroids that are situated in your uterine cavity remain untouched as the chances of hurting the foetus are very high.

It is wise to treat your fibroids and get rid of them before you get pregnant as it not only improves. Some of the techniques of getting rid of fibroids include:. What are Fibroids? How do fibroids affect pregnancy? Combined with the extra demands placed on the body by pregnancy, the growth of fibroids may cause discomfort, feelings of pressure, or pain. Fibroids can increase the risk of:.

Fibroids do not always grow in pregnancy. In most studies, the majority of fibroids remained the same size.

Postpregnancy, remodeling of the uterus may affect fibroids, creating a natural therapy during the reproductive years. This may explain the protective effect of parity or number of pregnancies on fibroid risk. Rarely, a large fibroid can block the opening of the uterus or keep the baby from passing into the birth canal. In this case, the baby is delivered by cesarean birth. Women with large fibroids may have more blood loss after delivery.

In fact, one-third of uterine fibroids may grow in the first trimester , according to a review. Fibroid growth is possibly influenced by estrogen, and estrogen levels rise during pregnancy.

This may lead to growth. Still, for other women, fibroids may actually shrink during pregnancy. In a study, researchers found that 79 percent of fibroids that were present before a pregnancy decreased in size after delivery. Many women who have fibroids can get pregnant naturally. Treatment may not even be necessary for conception. In some cases, however, fibroids can impact your fertility. For example, submucosal fibroids, which are a type of fibroid that grows and bulges into the uterine cavity, increase your risk for infertility or pregnancy loss.

While fibroids may cause infertility for some women, other explanations for infertility are more common. Talk with your doctor about the size or position of any fibroids you have. Ask if they could cause problems with your attempts to get pregnant or the ability to carry a pregnancy. Likewise, ask your doctor if fibroid treatments can help improve your odds for pregnancy success. During pregnancy, treatment for uterine fibroids is limited because of the risk to the fetus. Bed rest, hydration, and mild pain relievers may be prescribed to help expectant mothers manage symptoms of fibroids.

In very rare cases, a myomectomy can be performed in women in the second half of their pregnancies. This procedure removes fibroids from the outside of the uterus or from within the uterine wall while leaving the uterus intact. Fibroids growing in the uterine cavity are generally left in place due to the possible risks to the fetus. Treating uterine fibroids before pregnancy may improve your fertility risk. The most common treatments for fibroids that preserve fertility include:. Other treatments are available for women with fibroids who may want to have children in the future.

Each treatment carries its own risk and complications, so talk with your doctor about your options. With some treatments, such as the birth control pill, you can try for pregnancy as soon as you stop using it. For others, there may be a waiting period. You may not have any symptoms of fibroids.

If you do have symptoms, the most common symptoms include:. Fibroids may be felt during a pelvic exam. If your doctor suspects you have the noncancerous growths, they may order an imaging test, such as an ultrasound , to confirm the growths are indeed fibroids and not something else.


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