Census data released in November had revealed that only 4. During the decade , improvement was observed at middle and above educational levels and decline in percentage share at lower levels below-primary and primary.
The improvements at higher educational levels are indication of educational advancement in the country during the decade The recent violence in Bangladesh was the result of rumour and suspicion. Both found wings in social media. There are no greys, no doubts in a mannequin world of white and dark, Hindu and Muslim. Azad was a renowned freedom fighter as well as a scholar and poet.
He desired to bring about prosperity in his country through the spread of education. The high court issued notice to the BFI and Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports on the petition by the year-old boxer who said that Olympic bronze-winner Lovlina Borgohain has been selected without a trial. Firstpost Conversations 9 Months S. Representational image. World Bangladesh violence shows body counts go on increasing, but scenarios stay the same The recent violence in Bangladesh was the result of rumour and suspicion.
Three demographic phenomena are taken into account for their calculation: mortality, birth and migration. In order to develop these projections, hypotheses on the long-term development of these phenomena are drawn up, using the latest Population Census as a base. Due to the strong uncertainty over the development of numbers of foreigners entering Spain from onwards, it has been decided that projections undertaken using the Census population data be developed using a different hypothesis on future immigration, taking into account two different scenarios.
The projected populations are susceptible to revision, in terms of any errors in the predictions for all or some of the components. In any case, there will be a revision when figures are available for a new Census or population count. Press Section Population and Housing Censuses.
Follow us Twitter Youtube Instagram. Latest data Total population millions. Population and Housing Censuses Population and Housing Censuses Population and Housing Censuses Population Projections Description The population Censuses are a way of exhaustively counting the population of a country, provide social and demographic characteristics of persons age, marital status, studies, etc.
Differences between the Census and the Register The Population Census is carried out every 10 years using exhaustive questionnaires that are sent to the population. Population Projections Population projections are developed with the aim of understanding the future population, distributed by sex and age.
Projection Revision The projected populations are susceptible to revision, in terms of any errors in the predictions for all or some of the components.