Check out his website, and especially his YouTube channel. I spent many hours watching his videos in preparation for my checkride. He is amazing. No, he is not paying me to say this, haha, I really just like his work! A- Airworthiness Certificate usually in clear holder in cockpit R- Registration usually with Airworthiness certificate in clear holder R- Radio License when you are operating outside of the U.
That will save time and stress during your checkride, and makes you look prepared in front of your examiner! Fly Girl's Aviation The certificate most often seen by an inspector is a standard airworthiness certificate, which is issued for normal, utility, acrobatic, and transport category aircraft.
Review the list of limitations and conditions to assure a valid airworthiness certificate. The N-number on the certificate must match the N-number on the fuselage to be valid.
Airworthiness Certificate and Registration Certificate The standard airworthiness certificate is issued when the airplane is manufactured or when the N number changes. In addition to the standard Airworthiness Certificate, there are Experimental, Restricted, or Special Flight Certificates that may apply to your aircraft.
Registrations must be renewed every three years. The FAA has a page that explains the process. Radio Station License A radio station and operators license is required if you make international flights or communicate with foreign stations.
As far as I can tell, this requirement is not enforced for flights to Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean. I got my restricted operators permit in when they were still required for domestic operations but have not flown internationally.
All other aircraft radio stations must be licensed by the FCC either individually or by fleet. Aircraft operating domestically do not land in a foreign country or communicate via radio with foreign ground stations. Source FAA website. If you are not required to obtain a license — you do not need to file this form [Form ] with the FCC.
The license has a term of 10 years. At least one person on each aircraft flying or communicating internationally must have a Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit. This requirement is in addition to the requirement to have an aircraft radio station license for the aircraft. No Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit is required to operate VHF radio equipment on board an aircraft when that aircraft is flown domestically.
No test is required to obtain this permit. The permit when issued will be valid for your lifetime. The fee for a Restricted Permit is in addition to any fee paid for an aircraft license. Even though an individual license is not required, an aircraft station licensed by rule must be operated in accordance with all applicable operating requirements, procedures, and technical specifications found in this part.
International classification, if different from the license name, is given in parentheses. The licenses and their alphanumeric designator are listed in descending order. The vast majority of aircraft radios that have been type accepted under the 30 ppm frequency tolerance utilize 25 kHz spacing and have or channels.
See this post for a short history of radio frequencies. Operating Limitations This part of the acronym seems to generate the most confusion. These did not have a standard format and the information contained in them varied wildly.
They are not required to be in the airplane, however since they give information like landing and takeoff distances—which are required to be calculated for each flight—it would make sense to have them readily available. Many aircraft were sold with an Airplane Flight Manual that listed the operating limitations, required placards, instrument markings, installed equipment, and the weight and balance information when the aircraft left the factory.
These are not the same thing as an Approved AFM and there is no regulation requiring that they be in the plane. If an FAA approved flight manual is required, it is specific to that airplane Serial number specific.
These placards may include, aircraft category, whether aerobatics or spins are approved, airspeed limitations for flaps and gear, and takeoff and landing checklists. Additional placards may be required by Airworthiness Directives for specific aircraft.
One example is AD , requiring a placard next to the fuel gauges detailing the steps required to handle a fuel vapor lock. The operating manuals for GPSs, autopilots, and engines usually have this requirement. Weight and Balance Every textbook I checked says that a document showing the current weight and balance is required to be in the aircraft. None of them cite a source for the requirement. There are two cases where the regulations do require a Weight and Balance in the aircraft.
The TCDS may contain language like:. Current weight and balance report including list of equipment included in certificated weight empty, and loading instructions when necessary, must be in each aircraft at the time of original certification and at all times thereafter…. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.
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